Monday 31 March 2014

Building sustainable Relationships with the communities.

Building sustainable relationship with communities is a process that requires many things which includes time ,trust and understanding. having been at the community block for more than  6 weeks. I have realised how important it is forming solid relationships with the community that you are working with. 

One thing that me and my colleagues done in the community we were working with was targeting the community care givers (CCG's). at first they were reluctant to work with us however as the days progressed they came to the party and were willing to be part of our treatment sessions and played a huge role in making sure that the home visits covered were successful. As the CCG's are getting stipends for the services they are rendering to the community ,they felt everything should be done through them unless we are in the community to take their roles.

Back  to back meetings with the CCG's helped in strengthening and cementing the relationship as we were able to answer the questions they had and we also explained that our role was not to do away with whatever they have, however to supplement and add on the knowledge that they have gained over the past years.

The therapist behaviour towards the community determines the type of relationship they will form with the community concerned. A therapist with a negative attitude or that undermines the roles of other community stakeholders will find it difficult to form solid relationships with stakeholders such the CCG's.

One person (unknown) said " Go to the people ,live with them. love them and learn from them. use what they have and concentrate to what they know , in the end when the work is done they will rejoice.. We have done it ourselves".

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